动漫 大丽花与红皮书


Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.


  • 片名:大丽花与红皮书
  • 状态: 正片
  • 主演: Agustina / Andrés / Barrientos / Burecovics / Cirulnik / Correa / Eduardo / Espinosa / Espinoza / Freire / Gustavo / Jovany / Kind / Lisette / Magaña / Mariana / Mora / Natalia / Nicolás / Pérez / Rosminati /
  • 导演: Bisbano / David /
  • 年份: 2024
  • 地区: 阿根廷 / 西班牙 / 巴西 / 秘鲁/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2025
  • 语言: 西班牙语 / 德语 /
  • 简介: Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.
首页 动漫 大丽花与红皮书




Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not. 展开


  • “信号塔大战”后,熊大、熊二和光头强的缩小器再度遗失。三人组合继续留守不夜城,找寻缩小器的回家之路更是状况频出,但他们从未放弃希望,最终与小动物们合力拯救小镇,呈现了一场精彩惊险的微观世界冒险之旅。
  • 平凡少年王小修在一次意外中,获得了来自高纬度宇宙文明的空间系统“超能立方”,从而拥有了超凡能力。因被自己恋慕许久的校花沈瑶表白,王小修惹恼了同为沈瑶追求者的不良青年孙俊,王小修靠机智和超凡能力化解了危机,但也引来了更多的祸患。沈瑶被神秘人带去了超凡人的世界,王小修也踏上了救回沈瑶的旅程。和小修一起,在光怪陆离的世界中战斗,在成为绝世强者的路上诠释公平与正义!
  • “信号塔大战”后,熊大、熊二和光头强的缩小器再度遗失。三人组合继续留守不夜城,找寻缩小器的回家之路更是状况频出,但他们从未放弃希望,最终与小动物们合力拯救小镇,呈现了一场精彩惊险的微观世界冒险之旅。
  • 平凡少年王小修在一次意外中,获得了来自高纬度宇宙文明的空间系统“超能立方”,从而拥有了超凡能力。因被自己恋慕许久的校花沈瑶表白,王小修惹恼了同为沈瑶追求者的不良青年孙俊,王小修靠机智和超凡能力化解了危机,但也引来了更多的祸患。沈瑶被神秘人带去了超凡人的世界,王小修也踏上了救回沈瑶的旅程。和小修一起,在光怪陆离的世界中战斗,在成为绝世强者的路上诠释公平与正义!
  • 遥远的未来——人类分裂成了以有人兵器Strain为主战力(联合)和以无人兵器Tomorrow为主战力(帝国)的两大阵营,从而开始了永无止息的战斗。现年16岁的セーラ·ウィーレック是联合阵营的名门独生女,就读于クラニアル星域的寄宿制リーズナー养成机关クラベラ空间机甲兵科学院,并且一心想成为リーズナー(Strain驾驶员)。成绩优秀的她的心中有个秘密,就是期望与最爱的哥哥再相会……セーラ的哥哥ラルフ·ウィーレック在赛拉11岁的时候接到了特殊命令到远在130光年之外的最前线出击。虽然途中乘坐的是联合最为先进的亚光速战舰,客观时间也要经过400年。但主观时间(搭乘员的感觉到的时间)由于受到“ウラシマ效应”的影响实际上只是经过了2年。因此,セーラ想要见到哥哥,就必须也前去同样的战场。兄妹两自小就失去了双亲,因此セーラ对哥哥有着超越普通亲人的感情,兄妹再会被她视为自己活着的意义。セーラ能够与哥哥再相见吗?
  • Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.

