电影 Umjolo:无解爱情



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  • Follows three scientists who come to a village to find a treasure, but things don't turn easy for them because there is black magic in that village.三个科学家来到一个村庄寻宝,但村里似乎有黑魔法……
  • The current dating landscape is bleak at best and no one is more aware of this than Mackenzie, a disillusioned 25-year old law student whose love life consists of non-committal hookups and situationships from hell. When she has a “real life meet-cute” with Finn, a handsome and charming journalist who isn’t afraid to show affection, she starts to believe true love may actually exist. When Finn’s dark side begins to emerge, Mackenzie finds herself trapped in a tumultuous and depleting cycle of emotional abuse, and must confront whether her true love is too good to be true after all.
  • A charismatic playboy's life is upended when a young boy enters his world, initially causing chaos but gradually becoming an integral part, exploring themes of love, family, and growth.
  • 在波西米亚艺术家阿梅迪奥·莫迪利亚尼(朋友们称他为莫迪)生命中的七十二小时旋风,追随着1916年战火纷飞的巴黎街头发生的一系列混乱事件。莫迪在逃避警察的过程中,想要结束自己的职业生涯并离开这座城市,但这一愿望被其他艺术家莫里斯·乌特里洛、夏伊姆·苏丁以及莫迪的缪斯碧翠丝·黑斯廷斯所否决。莫迪向他的艺术经纪人兼朋友利奥波德·兹博罗夫斯基寻求建议——然而,在经历了一个充满幻觉的夜晚后,当面对有能力改变他生活的美国收藏家莫里斯·冈纳特时,莫迪内心的混乱达到了顶点。
  • April2020–Lockdown.Etienne,afilmdirector,andhisbrotherPaul,amusicjournalist,areconfinedtogetherintheirchildhoodhomewiththeirnewpartnersMorganeandCarole.Everyroom,everyobject,remindsthemoftheirchildhood,andthememoriesoftheabsents-theirparents,theirneighbors…Thiscompelsthemtomeasurethedistancethatseparatesthemfromeachotherandtherootstheyshare,thoseoftheirgroundzero.Astheworldaroundthemisbecomingincreasinglyunsettling,unreality,andevenadisturbingstrangeness,invadestheirdailygesturesandactions.
  • MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE is a dark comedy drama that follows the journey of Merit, a U.S. Army Afghanistan veteran who is at odds with her family thanks to the presence of Zoe, her dead best friend from the Army. Despite the persistence of her VA group counselor, the tough love of her mother and the levity of an unexpected love interest, Merit's cozy-dysfunctional friendship with Zoe keeps the duo insulated from the world. That is until Merit's estranged grandfather—holed up at the family's ancestral lake house—begins to lose his way and is need of the one thing he refuses... help. At its core, this is about a complicated friendship, a divided family and the complex ways in which we process grief.
  • 故事讲述一餐晚饭如何令这个看似笑声笑声满载温馨的家庭突然变得紧张至极。当子女得知父母的暗黑秘密后,他们必须应对乱局并试图掩盖自己的行为,但他们能否真的克服家庭长期障碍,并保守这个致命秘密呢?这部悬疑谋杀剧以古怪的幽默感和亲切的家庭动态,刻划一个家庭在面对突发情况时如何保持团结一致。

