电影 赦免2015


Kiia and Lauri are speeding down a dark country road, anxious to reach the hospital because Kiia has gone into premature labour. Their car hits something. Lauri goes to take a look, and tells his wife he saw nothing. They rush to the hospital, and Kiia gives birth to a healthy baby boy. While in the hospital, Kiia meets Hanna, a woman whose husband is in a coma, the victim of a...


  • 片名:赦免2015
  • 状态: 更新HD
  • 主演: Aho / Birn / Eero / Eloranta / Laura / Mari / Rantasila / Teijo /
  • 导演: Kotwica / Petri /
  • 年份: 2015
  • 地区: 芬兰/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2024
  • 语言: 芬兰语 /
  • 简介: Kiia and Lauri are speeding down a dark country road, anxious to reach the hospital because Kiia has gone into premature labour. Their car hits something. Lauri goes to take a look, and tells his wife he saw nothing. They rush to the hospital, and Kiia gives birth to a healthy baby boy. While in the hospital, Kiia meets Hanna, a woman whose husband is in a coma, the victim of a...




Kiia and Lauri are speeding down a dark country road, anxious to reach the hospital because Kiia has gone into premature labour. Their car hits something. Lauri goes to take a look, and tells his wife he saw nothing. They rush to the hospital, and Kiia gives birth to a healthy baby boy. While in the hospital, Kiia meets Hanna, a woman whose husband is in a coma, the victim of a...


  • 影片根据同名小说改编,讲述一个作家为了逃避越战征兵逃往加拿大的故事。
  • 影片以1960年代初的纽约音乐界为背景,讲述19岁的鲍勃·迪伦,从一名不见经传的民谣歌手迅速声名鹊起,他的歌曲和神秘感在全世界引起轰动。1965年的纽波特民谣节上,他首次在舞台上使用了电吉他,他的音乐从民谣转向摇滚乐。
  • 张子威(凌文龙 饰)是一位曾经前途光明的金融才俊,与女友李羡文(林芊妤 饰)本过着幸福稳定的生活,然而随着他发现自己患上肯尼迪氏症,他决定不拖累对方,无奈分手。五年后,马来西亚女孩梁小菲(林明祯 饰)意外进入子威的生活,担当对方按摩师,二人逐渐互相扶持,子威不仅找回了对生活的希望,还在小菲的陪伴下再次勇敢面对病魔。然而,命运的无常再度来袭,子威是否能够实现自己的愿望,而小菲又能否帮助他重拾幸福?
  • NAHIR.PrimeVideoanuncióeliniciodelaproduccióndesunuevapelículaAmazonOriginal,Nahir,queesunthrillerydramadeficciónbasadoenunodeloscasospoliciacosmásconmovedoresdecrímenesrealesenArgentinaenlosúltimosaños.En2018,NahirGalarza,de19años,interpretadaporValentinaZenere(Elite,SoyLuna),seconvirtióenlamujermásjovenensercondenadaacadenaperpetuaenelpaís.Fueacusadaycondenadaporasesinarasunovio,FernandoPastorizzo.Lahistoriadioungirocuandoacusóasupadre,unoficialdelapolicía,deserelverdaderoasesino,loquefuerápidamentedescartadaporelsistemadejusticia.NahirestarádisponibleenPrimeVideoenmásde240paísesyterritoriosanivelmundial.
  • In the follow up to her award-winning film The Unknown Country, filmmaker Morrisa Maltz captures the joys and heartbreaks of childhood friendship as young Jazzy navigates the challenges of growing up with her peers in South Dakota.
  • Two teenagers from London take an unexpected road trip North as each of them tries to understand how loss and grief have shaped their young minds.
  • 泰勒·谢里丹的《黄石》宇宙衍生剧《1923》预订第二季,海伦·米伦和哈里森·福特主演。
  • 待业中的面包师杰若米返乡,在参加他曾迷恋的恩师葬礼后,决定留宿师母家中多陪伴她几日。他仿佛有种魔性魅力,让全镇居民都着迷不已,只有恩师儿子文森对他充满敌意。一场口角后,文森意外死亡,为了掩盖真相,杰若米开始编织一个个谎言;令人惊讶的是,整个小镇从邻居到神父,似乎都在帮他隐瞒真相。杰若米发现自己被困在一座由谎言筑起的迷宫中,无法脱身⋯⋯
  • AcouplewhofallinloveandspendajoyfulsummeruntiltheyarecapturedbytheGestapo.
  • 温蒂为了救回被掳走的弟弟麦可,不惜踏入「邪恶彼得潘」的血腥炼狱。她在那里还遇见了被毒品腐蚀、形容枯槁的小叮当。温蒂将要面对的不仅仅是扭曲的童话,还有那令人窒息的恐怖真相。

