电影 大丽花与红皮书


Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.


  • 片名:大丽花与红皮书
  • 状态: 正片
  • 主演: Agustina / Andrés / Barrientos / Burecovics / Cirulnik / Correa / Eduardo / Espinosa / Espinoza / Freire / Gustavo / Jovany / Kind / Lisette / Magaña / Mariana / Mora / Natalia / Nicolás / Pérez / Rosminati /
  • 导演: Bisbano / David /
  • 年份: 2024
  • 地区: 阿根廷 / 西班牙 / 巴西 / 秘鲁/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2025
  • 语言: 西班牙语 / 德语 /
  • 简介: Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.
首页 电影 大丽花与红皮书




Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not. 展开


  • 简介:有一天,角落小伙伴们在常去的角落咖啡厅的地下室里发现了一本旧绘本。正当他们读着绘本,机关突然启动,把他们吸进了绘本里。在绘本里的世界,他们遇见了新的小伙伴小灰鸡,小灰鸡不知道自己从哪来,也不知道自己是谁。为了帮助小灰鸡找到自己的家,角落小伙伴们开始了绘本世界里的旅程。
  • 简介:有一天,角落小伙伴们在常去的角落咖啡厅的地下室里发现了一本旧绘本。正当他们读着绘本,机关突然启动,把他们吸进了绘本里。在绘本里的世界,他们遇见了新的小伙伴小灰鸡,小灰鸡不知道自己从哪来,也不知道自己是谁。为了帮助小灰鸡找到自己的家,角落小伙伴们开始了绘本世界里的旅程
  • 暂无简介
  • Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough.   Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.
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