电影 我们的宇宙3D


Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at this point of time, universe is so huge that our hearts are filled with awe and reverence more deeply than our ignorant ancestors felt. This is a wonderful, magical and fascinating phenomena spread over the unimaginable vastness and this documentary takes us to its journey thanks to modern CGI technology wrapped into 3D art that works better with our imagination.


  • 片名:我们的宇宙3D
  • 状态: HD中字
  • 主演: Glen / McCready /
  • 导演: Hofmann / Kalle / Max /
  • 年份: 2013
  • 地区: 美国/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2023
  • 语言: 英语 /
  • 简介: Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at this point of time, universe is so huge that our hearts are filled with awe and reverence more deeply than our ignorant ancestors felt. This is a wonderful, magical and fascinating phenomena spread over the unimaginable vastness and this documentary takes us to its journey thanks to modern CGI technology wrapped into 3D art that works better with our imagination.
首页 电影 我们的宇宙3D




Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at this point of time, universe is so huge that our hearts are filled with awe and reverence more deeply than our ignorant ancestors felt. This is a wonderful, magical and fascinating phenomena spread over the unimaginable vastness and this documentary takes us to its journey thanks to modern CGI technology wrapped into 3D art that works better with our imagination.


  • 以惊人细节揭示全球神秘非凡的仪式
  • 聚焦该乐队首次去到美国,引发了著名的“披头士狂热”白热化——1964年,乐队四人降落在纽约,巩固了他们“世界第一乐队”的地位。
  • 这是一部东方的“敦刻尔克”,是一部关于纪念中国渔民伟大壮举的纪录片电影。电影人方励和摄制组通过详尽的历史调查,极尽所能地寻访英、美、日、中核心当事人及后代,试图无限接近中国舟山东极岛附近海底30米处的二战“死亡之船”——“里斯本丸”的沉船真相。
  • 植物漫长进化的成果,为人类打开全新的世界。   从香料的视角,看食物如何影响历史并塑造了地域性格;跟随香料的流转、迁徙、征服、融合,从全球视野看中国饮食的独特性;全球化浪潮下,香料如何影响烹饪,并成为地域美食的个性标签;人类的寻香之旅将去向何处,好奇心的故事又该如何演绎。   《风味人间 5》将探秘香料原产地,追寻它流转、迁徙、征服、融合的脚步,讲述在全 球化浪潮下,香料如何影响世界,并成为地域美食的个性标签。 寻香大千世界,这是人类好奇心的故事,也是一场关于诱惑的旅行。
  • 《蔚蓝之境》是中国的纪录片团队第一次以自然纪录片的方式,全面、系统地拍摄海洋的故事,也是迄今为止我国规模最大、范围最广、内容最为全面的海洋拍摄行动。本片共6集,以中国近海为舞台,带领观众纵览海面冰封的渤海湾,四季分明的黄海、东海,长夏无冬的南海,分别从季节、潮流、滨海湿地、海岛、海湾、生存挑战等几个角度,讲述海洋生物的故事,呈现一片神秘、壮阔、活力的蔚蓝之境。
  • 珍妮(Jenny)和吉姆·戴斯蒙(Jim Desmond)身为一对父母,可不太寻常,他们养育着一个大家庭,这里有21只黑猩猩孤儿。 他们在利比里亚的住所正迅速变小,再也无法容纳这样喧闹的动物部队,因此他们正在森林中建造庇护所。 但是在黑猩猩宝宝迁出之前,它们需要学习如何像野生黑猩猩一样生活。欢迎来到黑猩猩育儿所。在这里,课程由吉姆、珍妮和黑猩猩专家本·加罗德(Ben Garrod)教授。 明星学生包括麦克斯(Max),它容易分散注意力并且很厚脸皮,但未来将成为群体中的头领;埃拉(Ella),是最年轻和学习最快的黑猩猩;以及露西(Lucy),最聪明的一个,帮忙教会其它猩猩该做什么。
  • 该系列纪录片探讨了 2004 年袭击 14 个国家的印度洋海啸灾难,全面回顾了这场令人心碎的事件。

