电视剧 属于我们的城市


Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he s... (展开全部)   Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana.


首页 电视剧 属于我们的城市




Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he s... (展开全部)   Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana. 展开


  • 讲述了一家历史悠久的好莱坞电影制片厂在一个艺术与商业日益难以共存的世界中努力生存的故事。
  • The lives of the employees, players and fans who are affected by the video game Mythic Quest (2020).
  • Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he s... (展开全部)   Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana.
  • ThebeautifulEnglishcountrysideisthesettingformoremysteriesfeaturingthecharismaticclergymansleuth.BasedontheclassiccharactercreatedbyGKChesterton.ThequaintCotswoldsareabuzzwithdastardlyintrigue.FatherBrown’snewallyisaplaywrightpriestwho’swrittentheperfectmurder.Butisartimitatingdeath?There’smedievalmurderatabattlere-enactment,anewnemesislurkingintheshadowsandanoldonewho’snotquiteaswerememberhim.AndthereareweddingbellsforChiefInspectorSullivan—untilthesecretisoutthathe’snottherealsleuthoftheparish.It’snow1955andChiefInspectorSullivanandMrsDevinehavegrownclosersincewesawthemlast–somethingthathasn’tescapedthenoticeofFatherBrownandBrenda.Withafoodfayretodiefor,areal-lifecrimeatacrimewritingfestivalandavillagerivalrythatturnsdeadly,there’splentyforthegangtobebusywith.AndwhenhisoldfriendSisterBonifaceisimplicatedinamurderatanartsandcraftfair,FatherBrownmustproveherinnocence–beforeit’stoolate.
  • 一名年轻的跑步运动员拿到了田径奖学金,迎来了重获新生的机会。但他能否顺利逐梦,不因自己的谎言而栽跟头?
  • 一个落魄的体育博彩作家被要求与一个专横的商业大亨的鬼魂合作,以侦破自己的谋杀案。
  • Full plot details haven’t been revealed but we understand it follows the birth of the nightclub scene in London’s Soho. The series will mix elements of the fact-based research of Kohn’s book with fictional characters and storylines, exploring all aspects of the criminal world of Soho in the early 20th Century.

