电视剧 布朗神父 第十二季

布朗神父 第十二季

The beautiful English countryside is the setting for more mysteries featuring the charismatic clergyman sleuth.   Based on the classic character created by GK Chesterton. The quaint Cotswolds are abuzz with dastardly intrigue. Father Brown’s new ally is a playwright priest who’s written the perfect murder. But is art imitating death? There’s medieval murder at a battle re-enactment, a new nemesis lurking in the shadows and an old one who’s not quite as we remember him. And there are wedding bells for Chief Inspector Sullivan—until the secret is out that he’s not the real sleuth of the parish.   It’s now 1955 and Chief Inspector Sullivan and Mrs Devine have grown closer since we saw them last – something that hasn’t escaped the notice of Father Brown and Brenda. With a food fayre to die for, a real-life crime at a crime writing festival and a village rivalry that turns deadly, there’s plenty for the gang to be busy with. And when his old friend Sister Boniface is implicated in a murder at an arts and craft fair, Father Brown must prove her innocence – before it’s too late.


  • 片名:布朗神父 第十二季
  • 状态: 第1集
  • 主演: 马克·威廉姆斯 /
  • 导演: Barber / Caroline / Gibson / Howard-Williams / Ian / Lacey / Michael / Miranda / Paul / Slater /
  • 年份: 2025
  • 地区: 英国/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2025
  • 语言: 英语 /
  • 简介: The beautiful English countryside is the setting for more mysteries featuring the charismatic clergyman sleuth.   Based on the classic character created by GK Chesterton. The quaint Cotswolds are abuzz with dastardly intrigue. Father Brown’s new ally is a playwright priest who’s written the perfect murder. But is art imitating death? There’s medieval murder at a battle re-enactment, a new nemesis lurking in the shadows and an old one who’s not quite as we remember him. And there are wedding bells for Chief Inspector Sullivan—until the secret is out that he’s not the real sleuth of the parish.   It’s now 1955 and Chief Inspector Sullivan and Mrs Devine have grown closer since we saw them last – something that hasn’t escaped the notice of Father Brown and Brenda. With a food fayre to die for, a real-life crime at a crime writing festival and a village rivalry that turns deadly, there’s plenty for the gang to be busy with. And when his old friend Sister Boniface is implicated in a murder at an arts and craft fair, Father Brown must prove her innocence – before it’s too late.
首页 电视剧 布朗神父 第十二季




The beautiful English countryside is the setting for more mysteries featuring the charismatic clergyman sleuth.   Based on the classic character created by GK Chesterton. The quaint Cotswolds are abuzz with dastardly intrigue. Father Brown’s new ally is a playwright priest who’s written the perfect murder. But is art imitating death? There’s medieval murder at a battle re-enactment, a new nemesis lurking in the shadows and an old one who’s not quite as we remember him. And there are wedding bells for Chief Inspector Sullivan—until the secret is out that he’s not the real sleuth of the parish.   It’s now 1955 and Chief Inspector Sullivan and Mrs Devine have grown closer since we saw them last – something that hasn’t escaped the notice of Father Brown and Brenda. With a food fayre to die for, a real-life crime at a crime writing festival and a village rivalry that turns deadly, there’s plenty for the gang to be busy with. And when his old friend Sister Boniface is implicated in a murder at an arts and craft fair, Father Brown must prove her innocence – before it’s too late. 展开


  • 《我是你的月亮》剧情讲述了1913年两个相爱的女人,却注定不能在一起。然后他们在2021年的另一个生活中再次相遇,但事情仍然不容易。佛历2456年,由于Atitthan公主和Katsakorn公主受传统阻碍,两位女生无法相爱,她们就像太阳和月亮,永远不会成对,因而在一起交往也是不可能的。佛曆2564年,过去已经过去,时代已经改变,直到她们再次相遇,当Katsakorn和Atitthan偶然相遇时,甚至爱也在心中绽放,但爱的道路从來都不容易。两人仍然必须携手突破,即使不是打破传统,但过去的故事仍然与影响会联系在一起。~~改编自艾斯的小说《katsathitthan》(กัษธิษฐาน)。TheplotofI’mYourMoontellsabouttwowomeninlovein1913,butdestinednottobetogether.Theythenmeetagaininanotherlifein2021,butthingsarestillnoteasy.In2456,PrincessAtitthanandPrincessKatsakornwerehinderedbytradition,sothetwogirlscouldnotfallinlove.Likethesunandthemoon,theywouldneverbepaired,soitwasimpossibletogettogether.In2564,thepasthaspassedandthetimeshavechangeduntiltheymeetagain.WhenKatsakornandAtitthanmeetbychance,evenlovebloomsintheirhearts,buttheroadtoloveisnevereasy.Thetwostillhavetoworktogethertobreakthrough,eveniftheydon’tbreakthetradition,thestoriesofthepastarestilllinkedwiththeinfluence.~~Adaptedfromthenovel"Katsathitthan"(กัษธิษฐาน)byAce.
  • 邪派魔头宣慈一心想夺取天师府的至宝,率领手下进攻天师府,导致张天师受伤后逃离。宣慈派出三大杀手追击张天师。林楚燕是地方官林浩然的独生女,她从奶妈胡大婶那里学得一些小法术,能够在酒后施展阴阳眼,察觉到鬼魅的存在。林浩然是文官,而司徒镇业则是武官,两人相互勾结以敛财,为了避免猜忌,他们决定撮合他们的子女成婚。林楚燕对司徒文武有着深厚的感情,两人最终结为夫妻。然而,命运捉弄人,他们的成婚之夜楚燕因误饮交杯酒,看见了不应该看到的事物,导致误伤了婆婆,最终被休去妻子的地位。   尽管楚燕私下暗恋丈夫,她尽管生性高傲,内心却充满不甘,仍然不顾万里艰辛,寻找文武,希望能够挽回他的心。张天师发现司徒文武是七星脚,是修道的奇才,便收他为徒。张天师了解到楚燕的心思,决定帮助他们重新走到一起。在一个小镇上,文武遇见了戏班花旦凝凤,对她一见倾心。然而,戏班中的文生金玉棠也对凝凤展开了追求,却无意中发现她实际上是魔教的杀手人凤,并最终被杀害灭口。人凤对文武动了真情,但却因宣慈的命令要杀死文武,幸好张天师和楚燕及时赶到,最终人凤被张天师所杀。尽管遭遇重重困难,文武依然执迷不悟,愤然离去。
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  • 传说远古一段时间,正气衰竭之暗黑期,邪王横行。花错一心灭魔,因此创办神剑山庄广收弟子,更将神剑山庄交弟子无邪处理,改法号无间守住魔道出口。天庭百懂仙见人间苦难,私下人间,化名为大师,开设仙药巷,施医赠药,甚为百姓欢迎及歌颂。某日,大师前往神剑山庄禁地天囚山,欲协助无间感化暗黑邪王,但被邪王元神上身,自此之后,大师性情大变,滥杀无辜,黑白不分。大师在人间之种种行为惊动了天庭,玉帝派观音大士到人间把大师押回天庭……

