电影 小西伯利亚




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  • 李闻天高考失利后来到县城打拼,经发小引荐在斌哥手下工作。此时,其父李重山在追查盗猎案时突然失踪,生死未卜。闻天在父亲遗留的线索中,发现这一切都与斌哥有关。盗猎、杀人、藏尸.....闻天发誓要找回失踪的父亲,一场关于爱与复仇的悬疑盛宴即将拉开序幕。
  • 西北边境黑车司机李军被迫卷入毒枭阴谋,后成为警方线人,缉毒警唐旭东拼死追凶,毒枭张虎荒漠制毒、正邪较量在血色中迎来对决。
  • 一群朋友偷偷溜进一座废弃的菠菜罐头厂,准备拍摄一部关于“水手人”的纪录片。据说“水手人”是这座工厂和当地码头的幽灵。
  • A young nurse called Ana arrives at a small village where she is supposed to take care of a woman in a coma, Sara. Her husband, Augustin, picks her up and takes her to the mansion where Sara is, while explaining her what happen to his wife. But Ana’s job as a care provider soon presents itself with unexpected and mysterious challenges. A film coming from the well-known producti... (展开全部)   A young nurse called Ana arrives at a small village where she is supposed to take care of a woman in a coma, Sara. Her husband, Augustin, picks her up and takes her to the mansion where Sara is, while explaining her what happen to his wife. But Ana’s job as a care provider soon presents itself with unexpected and mysterious challenges. A film coming from the well-known production company from Barcelona, Filmax, already honoured in Fantasporto.
  • 在这个关于欺骗与救赎的故事中,一个儿子因贪婪而背叛了他正直的父亲--印度的一名政府官员,但当他策划倒台时,意想不到的启示迫使他直面自己的良知。
  • Carag, half-human, half-mountain lion, is a shape-shifter who grew up in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. However, his curiosity to learn more about his human side drives him away from his mountain lion family. While living with his human foster family, he hides his identity as a Woodwalker. He comes to realize that he can' find his place in human society. It is not until...
  • 全国首部市场监督纪实节目《你好,12315》,以三座城市的市场监督管理所为切入点,真实记录基层市监局执法人员们维护市场秩序、打击违法行为的日常,直击老百姓“急难愁盼”的焦点问题,展现他们在执法与帮扶中的热忱与智慧,同时普及消费者权益、食品安全等常识,呈现守护百姓生活背后的无形力量。

