• 一场抢劫出了问题,让两个年轻的吸毒者做出了一个艰难的决定:放弃还是做不可思议的事情
  • 过著充实大学生活的英文系学生都贤(李大卫 饰),偶然因为转学生振浩(金南优 饰)而对催眠产生兴趣。都贤在崔教授(孙昞昊 饰)的帮助下接受了催眠治疗,但在催眠体验后,他却开始看见充满疑惑的记忆幻影,朋友们也一个接一个开始深受幻影折磨,而遭遇奇怪的事件。崔教授对他们催眠的目的究竟为何?
  • 故事发生在美国和墨西哥边境,一个家恺撒的农场工人沿路救起一名受伤的女巡警,在送医院途中,女巡警却死在他车中,而且大脑从头颅中脱落,恺撒因此被判电刑,医学博士戴安娜设法用新的大脑全息扫描技术来证明恺撒的无辜,却终因各方压力而失败。此时,一个噩梦般的连环杀手被送进监狱,他严重威胁着美国和墨西哥边境百姓的安全,戴安娜想借此机会分析此重犯,希望找到证据还恺撒以清白,而此人亦愿意接受分析,并称戴安娜为“解迷者”,但是在测验中,意外发生了,接触他的警察吞枪自杀,戴安娜也发现了他竟能影响自己的大脑思考,他自称自己在进化已经超过了人类。在执行此人电刑的时候,监狱长竟发疯自杀了,经过解剖发现监狱长的大脑已被一种寄生虫吃掉很多。电刑继续执行,接连两次,医生才证实他已死亡。噩梦结束了,但是戴安娜却觉得还没有结束,夜晚,她在睡梦中惊醒……
  • 浩瀚无垠的澳洲大陆,壮观绝美的自然风光吸引无数旅者和背包客来到此地一游。可是当他们快乐自在和大自然融为一体的时候,却全然没有意识到危险也在悄然逼近。晴朗明媚的一天,德国小伙鲁特格尔(Philippe ...
  • 德怀特是个整日无所事事的流浪汉,他的父母多年前被一个名叫韦德·克里兰德的男人杀害。当德怀特得知韦德刑满释放的消息时,他的复仇行动开始了。然而,一切并不如计划得那么顺利,他不得不考虑如何保护自己的妹妹免受韦德的伤害。
  • 房产经纪人何志伟(黄河饰)与奶奶(刘引商饰)共同生活,他一心想要买属于自己的房子好跟交往5年的电台DJ女友怡君(许玮宁饰)结婚,而怡君似乎还没有准备好。一天早上,阿伟发现奶奶离奇失踪了,通过门卫阿坤伯(张柏舟饰)的帮忙,他发现奶奶疑似被一名诡异的红衣小女孩给带走了,这可能与山中传说有关,而危险正在步步靠近着自己。事故的几天后,失魂落魄的奶奶回来了,而阿伟却失踪了,无奈之下怡君开始了惊心动魄的找寻之旅,恐怖的真相也在接近着她。
  • 格里夫·麦克利里(Griff McCleary)是在家,他儿子用格里夫的枪自杀了。他的调查使他找到了一个名叫尼基的女孩的女孩。
  • Abigail Clayton独自一人生活,已将近20年没有离开她的公寓。当她的邻居死亡,侦探Frank Giardello登门造访展开调查,她原本秩序井然的世界开始瓦解。   Abigail Clayton独自一人生活。一个人非常孤独。实际上,这位女继承人没有离开她的曼哈顿公寓已将近20年。当她年迈的邻居死亡促使纽约市警察局凶杀案侦探Frank Giardello登门造访展开调查,内心恐惧不安的Abigail Clayton看到那位侦探在她门外,询问她。Abigail Clayton曾试图收购现在空置的那个公寓以确保她的隐私,当新租户莉莲和查理搬进来时就更加烦恼了。Abigail Clayton焦急地从她的前门的安全窥视孔监视她的新邻居,但当她终于面对面地遇到了莉莲和查理时她原本秩序井然的世界开始瓦解,她庇护的存在也开始成为意外和恐怖的方式威胁着。   An heiress who's been shut inside her apartment building for nearly two decades is forced to confront her fears after one of her neighbors is killed and a detective arrives to begin the investigation.   Abigail Clayton lives alone. Very alone. In fact, the attractive heiress has not left her Manhattan loft apartment for almost two decades. The famous daughter of a wealthy industrialist, Abigail disappeared from the prying eyes of the press and the intrusiveness of her family on her 18th birthday, the day she received her massive inheritance. During years of self-imposed isolation, Abigail has had contact with only two people-her building's Concierge, Klandermann, with whom she communicates via notes-and Dr. Raymond Fontaine, a longtime family friend and her sole confidant for most of her life. When the death of her elderly neighbor prompts NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello to launch an investigation, the agoraphobic Abigail is distressed to find him outside her door, asking to question her. Having tried to acquire the dead woman's now vacant apartment to ensure her privacy...   A reclusive Manhattan heiress finds her carefully structured world beginning to crumble after her elderly neighbor dies, and a young couple moves into the vacant apartment. On her 18th birthday, Abigail Clayton (Selma Blair) received a staggering inheritance from her late father, an affluent industrialist. That same day, Abigail also escaped the probing lenses of the paparazzi by sealing herself away from the world in her massive loft. Nearly twenty years later, the only people Abigail interacts with are Klandermann (Kevin Pollak) the Concierge, and Dr. Raymond Fontaine (Beau Bridges), a trusted family friend. One day, Abigail's elderly neighbor dies under mysterious circumstances, and Homicide Detective Frank Giardello (Giovanni Ribisi) comes knocking on Abigail's door looking for answers. Concerned that the open apartment could provide a perfect perch for prying eyes, Abigail inquires about purchasing it to no avail. Shortly thereafter, Abigail spies Charlie (Jason Lee) and Lillian (Amy Smart) moving into the apartment. In the weeks that follow, Abigail begins religiously using her peephole to scrutinize her new neighbors' every move. But she can't stay locked away forever, and the moment Abigail meets Charlie and Lillian in person, the nightmare begins.   Abigail Clayton (Selma Blair) lives alone. Very alone. In fact, the heiress has not left her Manhattan apartment for almost two decades. When the death of her elderly neighbor prompts NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello (Giovanni Ribisi) to launch an investigation, the agoraphobic Abigail is distressed to find him outside her door, questioning her. Having tried to acquire the now vacant apartment to ensure her privacy, Abigail is further upset when new tenants Lillian (Amy Smart) and Charlie (Jason Lee) move in. Abigail anxiously monitors her new neighbors from the safety of her front door's peephole, but her well-ordered world begins to unravel when she finally encounters Lillian and Charlie face-to-face and her sheltered existence becomes   threatened in unexpected and terrifying ways.
  • 莫里兹·布雷多在片中饰演一名著名的德国记者,来到莫斯科出差。到了这里,他就把工作抛在一边,沉浸在当地的夜生活之中。偶然间他结识了一名神秘的女子,卷入了一起政治阴谋,最终付出惨痛的代价。