• 在怀孕的妻子死亡之后,一个虔诚的男人背离了他的信仰,并且用他炽热的复仇之火向上帝和恶魔发出挑战。
  • Roses are red, violets are blue but according to the latest understanding these colours are really an illusion. One that you create yourself.   Horizon reveals a surprising truth about how we all see the world. You may think a rose is red, the sky is blue and the grass is green, but it now seems that the colours you see may not always be the same as the colours I see. Your age, s...
  • 茫茫宇宙中,是否存在着适合生命安身立命的星球?置身广袤的宇宙,人类又是否是唯一存在着的孤单生物?世界各地一帮具有高度聪明才智,并且训练有素的科学家共同坚持着一个惊人的信念:在浩瀚的宇宙中,可能存在着生命。这是人类曾经尝试过的最“疯狂”的一次实验,去探索宇宙中普遍或偶尔存在的智能生命。然而要证明它,却并非易事。   五十年来,“太阳系外类地智能搜寻小组”在一直观测着银河系,以求来自外星文明的消息。NASA也希望能在十年内再找到50个类似地球的行星。今天,地平线系列纪录片的团队,也成为了“行星搜寻猎队”中的一员。他们曾发现名为“葛利斯581c”(这是迄今已经发现的太阳系外的最类似地球的行星)的“超级地球”,其上很有可能存在着适宜生命存活的环境条件。尽管目前仍毫无效果,但一些激动人心的成就都暗示着外星生命已在银河系的其他地方诞生。
  • Horizon plunges down the biggest rabbit-hole in history in search of the smallest thing in the Universe.   It is a journey where things don't just become smaller but also a whole lot weirder. Scientists hope to catch a glimpse of miniature black holes, multiple dimensions and even parallel Universes. As they start to explore this wonderland, where nothing is quite what it seems, ...
  • What is it like to be young and find out you have got cancer? What you will find out in this film may surprise you.   This film, narrated by actor and comedian Jack Whitehall, tells 11 inspirational stories, revealing how a range of young people have dealt with their cancer diagnosis and the treatment process. We hear, primarily in their own words, about their fears, their hopes ...
  • 忘掉大爆炸吧!所有关于宇宙诞生的赞誉都给了它,而实际上大爆炸的即刻结果是一片漆黑和虚无。那时的宇宙没有恒星,没有星系,只有一团气体;这是宇宙历史上的黑暗时代。然而,在这样的状态持续了一亿年之后,一个真正的剧变时刻来临了。这是第一批恒星形成的时刻,宇宙第一次被点亮的时刻,宇宙的最初结构和生命的第一批原料诞生的时刻。寰宇初曦,创世纪的真正时刻。
  • Horizon goes behind the scenes at NASA as they countdown to the landing of a 2.5 billion-dollar rover on the surface of Mars. In six days time, the nuclear-powered vehicle - the size of a car - will be winched down onto the surface of the Red Planet from a rocket-powered crane. That's if things go according to plan: Mars has become known as the Bermuda Triangle of space because...
  • 本部纪录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档探讨“何为现实”为命题的纪录片。我们身处在一个奇特而又神秘的周遭世界,即便生活中的事物让我们习以为常。然而我们每一个人对于“现实”的定义都大相径庭,它不可避免地受到我们感观和经历的影响。为了寻找这一难题背后的真相,本部影片将带领你一起共赴一次宏伟而漫长的科学探秘之旅。小到原子分米,大至宇宙黑洞,本片甚至还将带你一览宇宙边缘的神奇景象,以及我们存在于的无限平行世界。你往日里所定义的“现实”,将被本片彻底颠覆。   地平线系列纪录片是英国广播公司BBC制作的一档流行并且播放已久的科学纪录片,于1964年5月2日首播,到2013年为止已有49个系列超过1100集。本系列纪录片从历史、人文、宗教、地理、设计、艺术、生物、哲学、环保、伦理等多个方面,提供世界上最伟大科学家和哲学家一个可以交流他们看法和观点的平台,并将他们对世界...
  • 在线播放地址: http://www.easyaq.com/video/1245.html   Horizon meets the two men who uncovered Stuxnet, the pioneers of ultra-paranoid computing, a white-hat hacker who showed out how to hac k into stand alone cash machines, and explains how companies test resilience.
  • A popular anchorwoman, Jaime Douglas is stalked by an obsessed fan with a camera who wants more than just her picture.