• In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.
  • Activists around the world fight injustice and drive social change in this documentary that follows their participation in the music video Solidarité.
  • 这部纪录片由资深音乐录影带导演格兰特·辛格执导,以亲密的视角纪录了蒙德兹过去几年的生活和旅程。
  • 2018 年,34岁的夏伦·沃兹和她的两个女儿在科罗拉多州弗雷德里克失踪了。随着令人心碎的细节浮出水面,她们的故事成为了全世界的头条新闻。导演珍妮·波普尔韦尔完全通过社交媒体上的帖子、执法记录、短信和从未公开的家庭视频等档案片段来讲述该故事,为观众还原一起警方调查案件和一段破碎 婚姻的真相。《美国谋杀故事:隔壁那家人》是第一部为受害者发声的电影。
  • A portrait of an art institution as a cinematic landscape: in a succession of static shots, James Benning explores the buildings and terrain of the California Institute of the Arts, where he teaches. A series of views of nature filmed in the surrounding park and woods transitions into images of floors, seating areas and other details of a public building not meant for show. In both parts, an uncanny feeling dominates: the geometries of nature, the dark green and brown tones, the rushing of the highway in the background on the one hand and the humming of halogen lamps, the sound of steps in an otherwise seemingly empty school on the other – it all seems to be hiding a secret. The camera’s gaze is almost always restricted; it rarely penetrates very far into the image. It discovers shabby corners, observing scenarios more reminiscent of a mystery novel than the campus of an art institution. More so than in the majority of James Benning’s longer works of recent years, a narrative lies concealed within the images; every shot creates an urge to move forward, a tension, almost as if the landscapes and interiors were the scenes of a crime.
  • 从循环利用到能源生产,这部纪录片探讨了五大洲为营造一个水资源永续利用的未来而提出的创新方案。
  • 沃纳·赫尔佐格将再度联手地球学家克里夫·奥芬海默拍摄纪录片[火球](Fireball,暂译),聚焦陨星和彗星。奥芬海默曾现身2016年赫尔佐格自编自导的Netflix纪录片[进入地狱],此次二人将共执导筒。英国制片公司Spring Films与赫尔佐格的制片公司Werner Herzog Filmproduktion联合制作。
  • 由大卫·弗朗斯([瘟疫求生指南])执导,纪录片揭露了车臣对LGBTQ群体的暴行,并讲述了一群LGBTQ活动家秘密营救受害者,为他们提供安全住所以及签证援助。
  • 虎·破——《八佰》制作纪录全面地向大家揭秘了电影《八佰》的幕后拍摄故事。本片采取电影中四行仓库保卫战四昼夜的时间模式,将内容分成了“四天”,从制作、光影、演员、影片主旨四个方面,讲述导演管虎、主创和演员们是如何突破重重困难,完成了这样一部国产商业巨制。
  • 源自《纽约时报》的这部个人纪录片讲述了一名前副排长和他的两个年幼的儿子在近10年里的故事,记录了他在阿富汗战场上身受重伤后返回家乡的经历。最初这是某军营在2010年的一年期部署项目的一部分,但记者出身的电影制作人卡特琳·艾因霍恩和莱斯尔·戴维斯坚持用这个故事来追踪服兵役对一个家庭的长期影响。《父,子,兵》既是对生活在现役的阴影中的普通百姓的真实写照,又是对两代人服兵役的纵向调查,是一部关于战争后牺牲、意志、责任和美国男子汉意义的深刻的个人探索。