• This film begins with a photo of an armed civilian in Gwangju in May 1980. Mr. Ji Man-won, a conservative commentator, claimed the North Korean military intervened in the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Movement. According to Mr. Ji, the person in the picture is the North Korean soldier, ‘No. 1 Gwang-soo’, who masterminded the movement. The director traces the young man′s whereabouts based on the faint clues left in the picture. Amid the numerous photos that Ji Man-won presented as the basis for his claim, Gwangju citizens, who were suspected as ‘Gwang-soos’, filed a lawsuit against Mr. Ji. However, No. 1 Gwang-soo does not appear, and people do not remember him. The only thing they managed to recall from the vague memories was the fact that he was a ragman, Kim-Gun. The director approaches the truth gradually as interviews with numerous people and old data are closely compiled. At the end of the chase, what will we encounter? The directing power creating the tension is so great that we have to watch and hold our breath until the last moment. (Huh Kyoung) [23th BIFF Wide Angle]
  • NetFlix原创纪录片,本纪录片从布鲁斯与瑞吉的故事拍摄,他们是监狱的受刑人,在狱中为他们未曾承认犯下的谋杀罪名,度过了数年。观众将从他们的视角,窥视美国的监狱体系,导演对此并提出质疑。
  • In 2007 Banksy goes to Palestine to paint on walls. Someone takes offense at a piece depicting an Israeli soldier checking a donkey's ID. A local taxi driver decides to cut it off and sell it back to the West. This is the story of the Palestinian perspective and reaction to street art through the work of its most celebrated hero. The story of an illegal black market of art stolen from streets around the world, cultures clashing in the face of an unsustainable political situation and finally of the changing perception on street art. It is not one story, but many. Like Banksy's art would be meaningless without its context, so the absence of it would be meaningless without an understanding of the elements that brought his artwork from Bethlehem to a Western auction house, along with the wall it was painted on.
  • 2018年9月13日下午晚些时候,飓风佛罗伦萨袭击北卡罗来纳州12小时前,美国国旗的两小时监控录像被记录下来。这段录像是在煎锅塔(frying pan tower)拍摄的,这是一座退役的灯塔,位于距北卡罗来纳州海岸39英里的大西洋上的煎锅浅滩上。 Berlin International Film Festival Forum Expanded group exhbition 柏林国际电影节论坛延展单元群展 展览名:ANTIKINO (The Siren’s Echo Chamber); 译名:安提基诺(警报器的 回音室) 展览时间:2019.02.06-03.09 展厅地址:silent green / Ebensperger Rhomberg / Luxoom Lab 开幕式时间:2019.02.06 18:00(展厅开放) 19:00(开幕式)。 开幕式地点:silent green Betonhalle 策展团队:Stefanie Schulte Strathaus(首席策展人)、Anselm Franke、Maha Maamoun、Ulrich Ziemo
  • 这部纪录片聚焦战地记者受到的心理创伤。2012年,导演埃尔南·辛在阿富汗遭遇一场意外,这次事故彻底了改变他的人生。20年来,埃尔南一直从事战地报道工作,期间受到的心理创伤不断积压,如今突然爆发,使得他饱受抑郁、孤独和自残的折磨。他想要找到这些痛苦产生的原因,决定采访战地记者,借此找到答案。他接触了一些过去几十年来最有声望的战地记者,其中不乏普利策新闻奖得主,他们有的曾被ISIS恐怖组织绑架,有的在叙利亚采访期间受伤,有的在波斯尼亚、利比亚、塞拉利昂、伊拉克和阿富汗等地方失去了亲密好友。埃尔南向他们提出一系列问题,涉及心理创伤、损失、噩梦、恐惧和家人等方面。在假新闻满天飞的时代里,本片展现了战地记者为报道真相而付出的巨大代价。
  • 智利聖地牙哥的王者公園裏,真正睇場話事是兩頭流浪犬。人們叫牠倆作足球和寇拉,但牠倆其實好少理,平日盡情享受日光浴,和到埗的滑板少年捉迷藏,「聆聽」他們互訴衷情、分享苦樂。車輛經過,牠們報以吠聲宣示主權,汽水罐、網球、垃圾以至人影,通通成了噬咬玩耍的對象;野人獻曝,逍遙自在,當然不是智利人專利。攝影機默默守候在汪星人之側,捕捉的豈止微妙深邃的時刻?形影移動,匯聚出人之夢想,犬之桃源。獲阿姆斯特丹紀錄片電影節評審團特別獎。
  • 迎接千禧年的除夕,时任俄罗斯总统叶利钦突然宣布辞职,普京时代开始。《幸福北韩》(40 届)导演维德利明斯奇,当时获邀为准备竞逐总统大选的普京拍摄纪录片,正好见证了政治强人在此关键时刻如何巩固个人权力。当年未曾公开的片段,近距离追踪即将大权在握的普京,还有戈巴卓夫和叶利钦现身镜头前,而当时在普京身边的同路人,不少后来都成为反对派,个中其实有迹可寻。获捷克卡罗维法利电影节最佳纪录片奖。
  • 广东广播电视台对外传播中心拍摄制作的五集纪录片《粤港澳大湾区》,以建设“粤港澳大湾区”为主题,从“天时、地利、人和”说起、从“合力、实力、动力、活力、魅力”五个方面畅谈粤港澳合作的历史与现状,展望粤港...
  • 今年10月10日,是“香港女儿”梅艳芳55岁的冥寿。一班多年的忠实粉丝,非常有心的花了八年的时间和心血,为了纪念这位百变天后,拍摄了纪念电影《朝花夕拾·芳华绝代 —拾芳》。 电影女主角由香港著名演员胡杏儿和郭羡妮出演,《拾芳》从一班忠实粉丝从垃圾柜里捡回被当做垃圾扔掉的梅艳芳的遗物和一众粉丝写给梅姐的信开始,从而带出这位偶像生前对人的真挚情义。
  • 《他们已不再变老》是由华纳兄弟影业出品,奥斯卡金像奖获奖导演彼得·杰克逊(《指环王》三部曲,《霍比特人》三部曲)执导的战争纪录片。电影聚焦于1914年—1918年一战士兵的日常生活。片中大部分史料均为首次公开,制作团队应用最顶尖修复、上色及3D技术,将百年前影像进行全彩修复并重新加入声效,以英国老兵口述史为旁白还原一战士兵遭遇和感受,为观众呈现身临其境、极度真实的沉浸式战争体验。影片将于2019年11月11日(一战结束一百零一周年纪念日)全国艺联专线上映。