• 乡村歌手山米和茱莉亚偶遇在一个寒冬冷清的加油站,从此展开了四年的交往,大学毕业后顺利取得学位的茱莉亚,开始在小企业上班,山米则一心沉溺和吉他大师组团表演。感觉爱情走味的茱莉亚决定先暂停这段感情,警觉失落的山米,该如何挽回这段感情呢?
  • 纪录片《白宫隐秘》向观众揭开了许多不为公众所知的、有关白宫的隐秘之事。从白宫的安全保护,内部格局,到相关历史。多位在白宫工作过的人士亲自述说了自己在白宫的工作经历和体会,其中有著名的前白宫发言人阿里·弗莱舍、前白宫医生康妮·马里亚诺、前白宫录像师阿伦·乔杜里等,涉及了白宫的新闻工作、医护工作及厨房工作;还有白宫安全专家、《第一家庭详情》之作者罗纳德·凯斯勒的诠释和述说,整部纪录片会使你对不太了解的白宫有了一个比较明确、透彻和立体的概念。
  • The Hidden Story - Secret History: New evidence rewrites the Great Wall of China's history, decodes its complex signals system and reveals the surprise ingredient that's kept it standing.
  • The life and work of the Canadian cartoonist, Gregory Gallant aka Seth.
  • 在维也纳锡默灵区的机场、高速公路与多瑙河河岸之间,隐藏着一个由铜墙铁壁与简陋营房组成的世界,这里是来自22个国家的大约3000名难民的安置点马孔多。11岁的拉马桑跟他的母亲和两个妹妹从车臣地区逃到这里寻求庇护,他的父亲在车臣与俄罗斯的冲突中丧生——至少他是这么听说的。拉马桑尽自己的努力填补着父亲的位置,从照顾妹妹到帮母亲系头巾都一并负责。但有一天,一个自称是拉马桑父亲的旧识的男子艾萨突然来到马孔多,他的出现将彻底打乱拉马桑的生活……
  • Hormones shape each and every one of us, affecting almost every aspect of our lives - our height, our weight, our appetites, how we grow and reproduce, and even how we behave and feel.   This documentary tells the wonderful and often weird story of how hormones were discovered.   Presenter John Wass, one the country's leading experts on hormones, relates some amazing stories - how ...
  • A fascinating exploration of one of the most significant moments in gothic history - the night when Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and their cohorts gathered together in Lake Geneva to tell ghost stories. The night when Frankenstein and the modern vampire were born.   All those involved in the events of the summer of 1816 wrote about their life-changing stay in Switzerland. This dramat...
  • 大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁,覆盖澳大利亚东北海岸超过2000公里的水域面积。每年的夏天,这里都将上演生命诞生的壮丽奇观:雌性和雄性刺尾鱼以闪电般的速度游向水面产卵;在星光闪闪的夜空下,成千上万的绿海龟同时来到岸边产卵;而高潮是100多种珊瑚在15分钟内一次性全部产卵的罕见景色。
  • 近年英國氣候越發極端,颶風頻頻來襲,2013年冬天更錄得有史以來最高的降雨量。超強寒流的來襲,亦曾令英國以往的冬天錄得攝氏零下22度的低溫。   英國廣播公司(BBC)科學紀錄片《地平線》(Horizon)系列的《天氣反常了?》,由物理學家Helen Czerski和氣象學家  John Hammond主持,為你詳細講解高速氣流(jet stream)與英國反常氣候的關係。
  • The pygmy hippo is one of nature's last great mysteries. Solitary, secretive and extremely hard to find, scientists know almost nothing about this endangered animal in the wild and what it needs to survive. Now, a young Australian ecologist, Wei-Yeen Yap, is taking on what could be 'mission impossible'. In a remote West African rainforest, Wei investigates the secret life of th...