• 纬来电影台 2020自制强档   全新卡司组合、最强制作团队   总导演: 朱峰   总策划: 林嘉莉   监 制: 辛建忠   制作人: 苏瑞煌、锺巧娟   编导: 王 奇   执行制片: 沈锴勛   摄影指导: 陈振德   摄 影 师: 江静明   灯光设计: 吕庆鑫   美术指导: 林纯贤   造型设计: 罗宇涵
  • 伊芙曾是世界上最著名的玫瑰培育家之一。可现如今,她的公司濒临破产。最重要的是,她的秘书维拉雇用了三位完全没有园艺技能的流浪者。尽管他们没有共同点,但他们提出了最疯狂的计划,而这可能永远改变他们的生活......
  • Antonio has spent his whole life away from Italy, his home country. He crosses paths with Leo, a young Italian artist who is trying to make it abroad. The old man’s and the young woman’s destinies mirror each other. Memories from the past are awoken and end up offering a more peaceful future to both of them.
  • 「影踏み」「プリンシパル~恋する私はヒロインですか?~」の篠原哲雄が監督を務める本作は、広告代理店を辞めセラピストを目指す一之瀬里奈を主人公とする物語。「パーフェクトワールド 君といる奇跡」の鹿目けい子や、ますもとたくや、錦織伊代が脚本を担当した。
  • Tells a story of people in a small town of Schwarzwald, dragged by history through the events of 30's and 40's of the last century. How to reconcile with killings committed by your own neighbors? How to face growing evil that nobody stands against? What can human will overcome and what is the value of humility and hope? Bohdan Sláma is shooting on negative and in black and whit...
  • 由B1A4成员孔灿植主演,《风愿》团队制作的电影《Mr.Boss》,在最近公开预告海报并确定将于12月上映。《Mr.Boss》是一部故事围绕拥有一切的青春们展开的喜剧动作片。
  • A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused in the name of self-defense but does one really get away free after killing someone?
  • 挚友马克斯与荷莉共同就读巴尔的摩郡的一所问题公立高中,各自暗怀牵肠挂肚的心事,荷莉的家庭处于极不稳定的爆发状态,聪明但瘦小的马克斯则必须面临成为容易霸凌的对象。当广受欢迎的高年级生卡西神秘失踪后,他们的人生从此改观。警方能否找到卡西的下落?在一次激烈的冲突后,他们又能否维持纯真本性?
  • Story of a husband and wife that will stop at nothing to find her missing daughter, who disappeared on a family camping trip. When the police don't catch any leads, the duo take over.