• 《水耀日》主要围绕少年小山寻找梦中戈壁的海而展开。以“赤子之心”为主题,主要讲述了小山随着梦境的画面逐渐清晰真实,并在有了与梦境场景相同的明信片的指引下,不顾一切踏上了寻找的路。
  • 小镇的冬天,即将面临升学压力的陈小南和李婷还在街上游荡。李婷因受不了父亲的偏心和暴力,决定离家出走。常年和爷爷生活的陈小南在冬天过后也将离开这里,和父亲重新组建的家庭一起生活,她决定帮助李婷出走,可随之而来的一系列变故也让陈小南做出了和李婷同样的选择。
  • 大白鲨袭击了一艘捕鱼船,在船体上撞出了一个洞。由于距离海岸线几英里远,船上的人们被迫为生存而战,否则他们就会被淹死或者被生吞活剥。
  • If you are a train aficionado, you cannot miss On the Train—it captures from the birth to the last moment of the railway, 98.2 kilometers long and opened in 1992, crossing southern Taiwan. The virtue of this film lies in meeting the people who have been involved with this railway and having them rewrite the history of trains through their mouth. The film diligently collects the...
  • 不僅將此次演唱會的現場實況原封不動地展現出來,還有成員們準備的過程,以及未公開的幕後花絮和成員們真誠的訪談內容。
  • 二零一零年,国家航天局挑选了一个香港科研团队作合作伙伴,于杰教授就是团队的掌舵人,他将会为登月任务研发「相机指向系统」。   同年,研究生张宁加入,她跟几名伙伴都怀着航天梦,在于杰带领下,成功在嫦娥三号、四号加上了香港团队的名字。   现实和梦想永远在拔河,张宁看着队员因为各种问题,一个个的离开团队,张宁萌生了放弃的念头,幸得于杰鼓励,重拾斗志…   二零二零年,团队为嫦娥五号开发了「表面采样及初级封装系统」,火箭升空当晚,离开了的伙伴也回来,跟于杰和张宁一同见证历史时刻…
  • Hopper’s work is the most recognisable art in America – popular, praised, and mysterious. Countless painters, photographers, filmmakers and musicians have been influenced by his art – but who was he, and how did a struggling illustrator create such a bounty of notable work?   This new film takes a deep look into Hopper’s art, his life, and his relationships. From his early career...
  • An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives.
  • 讲述了东南亚某国华人干探张荼(任贤齐 饰),为救落入人贩之手的儿子小介,不惜孤身奔赴千里之外的他国,和亦敌亦友的钦貌苏(陈瑶 饰)一起捣毁一个庞大的国际人贩集团的故事。