• Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car accidents, and even more than cancer. This means that the most likely thing to kill Dr Xand Van Tulleken is himself. And he wants to know why.   In this sensitive film, Xand finds out what we know about why people develop suicidal thoughts, and whether there is anything that we ca...
  • https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bcmjht/horizon-2018-4-spina-bifida-me   One in every 1,000 pregnancies in Britain has a spine or brain defect like spina bifida. Thirty years ago, actress Ruth Madeley was one of them. Despite having spina bifida herself, it is a condition she doesn't fully understand. In this programme, Ruth sets out to discover why she has it, whether it ...
  • Deception is an integral part of human nature and it is estimated we all lie up to nine times a day. But what if we created a world in which we couldn't lie? In a radical experiment, pioneering scientists from across Europe have come together to make this happen.   Brand new technology is allowing them to rig three British people to make it impossible for them to lie undetected. ...
  • The BBC's Horizon programme began in 1964, and since then has produced films looking at computer technology and the emergence of 'artificial intelligence'.   Our dreams always begin with ideology and optimism, only for this optimism to be replaced with suspicion that AI machines will take over. However, as the Horizon archive shows, throughout each decade once we have learnt to l...
  • We all have a biological clock ticking away inside us that governs our daily rhythms. This affects our health as much as our diet and whether we exercise. So what can we do to manage this internal clock better?   To find out, evolutionary biologist Ella Al-Shamahi locks former commando Aldo Kane in an abandoned nuclear bunker with no way of telling the time - for ten days. Monito...
  • 想象你的脑部受损,无法正常说话,也无法自如控制自己的身体,你会怎么做?   本片展示了Richard脑部手术后的各种康复训练,以及他和妻子坚持不懈的心路历程。
  • In March 2018 an international team of scientists gathered in a remote valley in the Canadian Rockies to conduct a unique experiment - to attempt to see into the heart of a massive avalanche to see if we can find ways to save lives in the future. Avalanches kill hundreds of people every year. Even in the UK 25 people have been killed by these forces of nature since the year 200...
  • In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive pill. Research from Denmark claimed women on the pill and other forms of hormonal contraception were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were not. And another study has found hormonal contraception was linked to a seemingly dramatic risk of breast cancer...
  • 根据日本著名侦探小说家横沟正史的代表作《恶魔吹着笛子来》改编,银座有名的珠宝店内,发生了毒杀案。嫌疑人没落贵族椿英辅,说着“士可杀不可辱”,自杀了。坚信其清白的女儿美弥子委托金田一耕助参加一场在椿加进行的奇妙占卜。当晚,寄宿于椿家的原伯爵被杀害,金田一开始在椿家调查这桩杀人案……
  • 昭和22年,那须湖畔的一代富豪犬神佐兵卫(里见浩太朗饰)留下巨额遗产离开人世。遗产的分配方式,要等佐兵卫的长女松子(黑木瞳饰)的独生儿子犬神佐清(贺来贤人饰)从战场回来后才能公开。犬神一家等待着佐清的归来,佐兵卫的三个不同侧室所生的三个女儿,以及女婿、各自的独生子,也为了争夺遗产站在了彼此的对立面上。   几个月后,侦探金田一耕助(加藤成亮饰)收到了在古馆律师事务所工作的若林律师(少路勇介饰)的信,称犬神家将发生血案,希望他能来阻止。金田一抵达那须的旅店,从湖畔远望犬神家的豪宅时,发现犬神家的养女珠世(高梨临饰)所乘坐的小船即将沉没,金田一前去救援但自顾不暇,这时犬神家的男仆猿藏(大仓孝二饰)将珠世救下。小船被人动过手脚,这已经是珠世第三次被人想要谋杀了。金田一返回旅店,发现若林律师已经被毒杀。金田一认为若林律师可能是被犬神家的人收买、偷看了在古馆律师事...