• 在喜马拉雅山脚下的英国殖民地希姆拉,英国人和印度人迎来了为期六个月的夏季。这个1932年的夏天和往年的夏天并没有什么不同,希姆拉(实际拍摄地是马来西亚)鲜花盛开,舞会和派对们眼看将绵延整个夏季。不同的是,这将是一个时代结束前最后的宁静。甘地和他代表的印度独立力量正在崛起,演讲,集会,甚至更为激进的暗杀捅破了虚假的歌舞升平。
  • On a leave of absence from the police force, Luther is laying low in a rundown cottage on the edge of England but a visit from his old colleagues at the Met brings a shocking piece of news that draws him back to London in search of the truth. Meanwhile, a gruesome serial killer has struck the city. With a trail of clues leading from one crime scene to the next, Schenk and his t...