• 小翔是個被人蛇集团控制,在台北街头贩卖爱心笔的十三岁女孩。她的小小梦想就是逃到台冬,大尝鮮美的龙虾。这天,当她计划搭火车逃离的時候,不幸被同伴抓包,火车票被撕毀。当觉得走投无路之际,遇到了手上翻着台东旅遊书、沉默寡言的和尚。擅长卖爱心笔的小翔,突发奇想,決定跟这位步行化缘的和尚搭档,一個化缘,另一個推销商品。两人在台北街头,展开一段荒唐有趣的散步之旅。
  • 原作是作家八木圭一的同名小说,讲述了香取慎吾饰演的男主角诱拐了前副总理大臣的孙女(本田望结饰),向副总理提出与日本的财政赤字相同的1085兆日元作为赎金,要求其公开为财政赤字谢罪的悬疑故事。
  • 【档案1:模仿整人节目的下场...】眼睛睁开后全身是血...。两名男子玩这种整人游戏,但没想到得到悲惨的下场。   【档案2:自己制作炸弹】工业科女高中生的恶作剧会闹出人命!绝对不能模仿的冲击视频。   【档案3:应该停电了...】年轻女子准备在拍完后上传到网络上的视频,可是拍到一半时突然停电,而在黑暗中浮现的是...   【档案4:咒杀业(前篇)】一位酒店公关小姐身边的人相继死亡...。其中暗藏着惊人的事实真相!   【档案5:在黑暗中的是...】最近很流行的运动,夜间跑步训练。在黑夜山区中跑步的男子看见的东西是...   【档案6:古老的收音机发出...】在决定要拆除的仓库里发现一台古老的收音机。他们从这台收音机听到了...   【档案7:非常便宜的租车】租车出去玩的大学生所体验到的恐怖兜风,后车厢不断传出怪声音,其真相是...   【档案8:咒杀业(后篇)】工作人员带着摄...
  • 索隆古和迦納結婚多年,但遲遲沒有孩子,對他們來說,少了孩子的生活彷彿就不完整。有天索隆古去算命,算命師說在三十三歲前她都還有機會懷孕,眼看四天後即將過生日,迦納工作出差又不在身邊,索隆古的好姊妹阿德蔻突發奇想…
  • Most of us think that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is just over fussy tidying. But it's actually much more serious. Sophie has to check that she hasn't killed people, looking for dead bodies wherever she goes, Richard is terrified of touching the bin, and Nanda is about to have pioneering brain surgery to stop her worrying about components on her body - that her eyebrow ...
  • New planets are now being discovered outside our solar system on a regular basis, and these strange new worlds are forcing scientists to rewrite the history of our own solar system. Far from a simple story of stable orbits, the creation of our solar system is a tale of hellfire, chaos and planetary pinball.   It's a miracle our Earth is here at all.
  • 自从人类文明伊始酒精就被用作一种药物,但是关于酒精的科学似乎含糊不清而且充满了矛盾。我们对市售药品及其疗效相对比较熟悉,但是对其作用原理及对人体的影响却所知甚少。我们将调查有关酒精的证据,很多人认为每天适度饮酒对我们的身体健康不会产生太大影响,许多人认为每天少量饮酒其实对人体健康是有益的。而我们很多人喝酒不是这样,不是每天少量饮酒而是平时几乎滴酒不沾,到周末的时候才豪饮两三次;或者是邀上好友共进晚餐喝大量的葡萄酒;或者喝些鸡尾酒或烈酒。豪饮的危害到底有多大呢?我们马上来揭晓答案…
  • In 2014, the International Space Station had to move three times to avoid lethal chunks of space debris and there is an increasing problem of satellites mysteriously breaking down. With first-hand accounts from astronauts and experts, Horizon reveals the scale of the problem of space junk. Our planet is surrounded by hundreds of millions of pieces of junk moving at 17,000 miles...
  • Michael Mosley puts himself through a battery of health tests available to people who feel perfectly well. From an expensive heart scan to a new national screening procedure to detect the earliest signs of bowel cancer, Mosley sets out to discover which if any of the tests are worth doing.