• BBC 电子游戏自诞生之日起,媒体与学界对其进行的争论就从未停息。有人说它使人成瘾,有人说它让人变得暴力……然而这些都是真的吗?电子游戏真的有那么坏吗?《地平线》将带你回顾三十年来学界对其进行的各项研究,从科学角度阐释电子游戏对人脑产生的影响,以及它可能为我们带来的益处。
  • There are about 600 murders each year in the UK. So, what drives people to kill? Are some people born to kill or are they driven to it by circumstances?   In this programme, Michael Mosley delves into the BBC archives to chart scientists' progress as they probed the mind of the murderer to try to understand why people kill, and to find out whether by understanding murder we can p...
  • 這是一個關於一群拾荒者在北京的故事,他們試圖從被廢棄物包圍的城市中尋找自己的生活。距離鳥巢國家體育場三公里外,是與城市風景截然不同的樣貌:約三萬多來自河南的移民住在那裏,透過手機和賣廢品為生。而在2015年,「廢城」即將被拆除…   "It is a story about waste and recycling, not only recycling waste, but life, as well as the logic of the villages and cities.   3 km away from the Nestle, National Stadium, there is a place completely different from the urban scenery. About 30,000 migrants from Hena...
  • 教师马希尔离开家人来到一座偏远山城。他帮助村民建起一所学校,并让所有人指明了希望之路。
  • 刑警高政赫(徐俊英 饰)几乎没有安宁的一天,处理不完的案件、还有衝动性格造成的纷争,每天都像战争一样。但他最大心愿将仁川唐人街的老大-宋社长(元振 饰)绳之以法,虽有线报逐渐掌握了宋社长的行踪,却因屡遭中国黑社会从中作梗,原来中国黑帮老大关时沛为了掌控唐人街,已派人暗杀宋社长。政赫求助他的武术老师穆驰寻找宋社长,却意外将他置于险境。只有一把枪的政赫,为师复仇,为正义而战,与黑帮展开一场生死决斗!
  • 從小喝洋墨水長大的天才女指揮封或芸,遇上了玩世不恭的 NPO 樂團首席童人多,因著兩廳院董事長天外飛來的一案奇想,以及牽引著二人熱愛音樂的半張謎樣的樂譜,和一段熟悉又陌生的部落旋律,磁場天生不和的兩人,被迫扛下結合原住民部落音樂與古典交響樂、在國家音樂廳演出的重責大任,一段瑜亮情結的合作關係、一齣不被看好的戲碼,各懷心意的兩人不情願地來到了臺東南王部落,村民們的真性情,卻讓封或芸在不知不覺中融入並愛上了這裡的人事物,期間雖遇國家愛樂交響樂團解散,表演將被取代的危機,兩人仍不放棄地盡力將交響樂團團員們重新聚集,為帶領族人前進兩廳院的夢想做萬全準備…
  • 樱桃小丸子和爷爷 还有爸爸姐姐 一起去旅行 吃乌冬面特别篇!~   还附录了小丸子25年经典回忆录!~   你还记得25年前小丸子的第一集吗 ?!XD
  • The team investigate the use of modern medical technology to scan Egyptian animal mummies from museums across the world. By creating 3-D images of their content, experts are discovering the truth about the strange role animals played in ancient Egyptian belief.   This episode of Horizon meets the scientists working in Egypt who are exploring the ancient underground catacombs wher...
  • Horizon reveals how new archaeological discoveries are painting a different picture of the very first native Britons. For centuries it's been thought that these hunter-gatherers lived a brutal, hand-to-mouth existence. But extraordinary new evidence has forced scientists to rethink who these people were, where they came from and what impact they had on our early history.   Now, o...
  • Imagine a world where dinosaurs still walk the earth. A world where the Germans won World War II and you are president of the United States. Imagine a world where the laws of physics no longer apply and where infinite copies of you are playing out every storyline of your life.   It sounds like a plot stolen straight from Hollywood, but far from it. This is the multiverse.   Until v...