泰吉?巴德兰德巴德(卡尔?潘 Kal Penn 饰)带着范?维尔德的精神和大学学位,远赴英国加尔福德大学——这里是他父亲曾经“战斗”过的地方,兄弟会“狐狸与猎犬”之屋留下了父亲风光的记忆,然而来这里担任助教的泰吉并不被对方认可,狐狸与猎犬的首脑皮普反而将泰吉戏弄了一通。泰吉来到自己负责的宿舍——被戏称为马厩的败落小屋,这里住着四个边缘化的学生:研究量子物理和男女关系的盖辛,暴躁的爱尔兰人谢莫斯,沉默的宅男赛门以及不检点的女生赛迪。泰吉为了让这几位问题青年重新振作,自组鸡公牛社团向皮普的狐狸与猎犬之屋发起挑战,而皮普的女友查莉令泰吉一见钟情,于是一场关乎学生尊严和助教爱情的奋战拉开了序幕……
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.