1945年8月6日,美国在日本广岛投下原子弹,震惊世界的毁灭性打击终结了那场人类有史以来最残酷的战争。在此之后,菲勒斯将军(马修·福克斯 Matthew Fox 饰)随同麦克阿瑟(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)飞抵日本,处理战后事宜。美军先后将29名日本高官指为战犯并予以逮捕,而对天皇裕仁的处理方面却令他们备感棘手。考虑到菲勒斯对日本的熟悉程度,麦克阿瑟命令他在十天之内就裕仁对战局的影响程度进行评估。深知天皇在日本国民心目中的重要地位,稍有不慎便会引起连锁反应。为此菲勒斯慎重以对,尽可能地去理清神化面纱后一个东方男子的人生轨迹。与此同时,他渴望找到曾有过短暂交往的女孩彩(初音映莉子 饰)。
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.