• 各种鲨鱼即将在有史以来最伟大的终极物种比赛中展开竞争。通过十场惊心动魄的比赛,我们将挑选出公海上的霸主。大白鲨的呼声很高,但它能在百米冲刺中击败尖吻鲭鲨吗?它能劝退长尾鲨吗?它能跟鲸鲨比胃口吗?也许会有黑马后来居上。
  • quot;Clean Eating"是欧美正在流行的趋势,新鲜、自然的食材能"清洁"身体,但事实果真如此吗,新陈代谢专家Giles Yeo博士深入调查。   Dr Giles Yeo investigates the latest diet craze and social media sensation - clean eating. Giles cooks with Ella Mills and sifts through the claims of the Hemsley sisters.    http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08bhd29/horizon-20162017-18-clean-eating-the-dirty-truth#long-descriptio
  • Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Every year, humans raise and eat 65 billion animals - nine animals for every person on the globe. In this eye-opening documentary, Michael examines the impact that this is having on the planet and finds out what meat eco-friendly carnivores should be buying. Is it better to buy free-range organic or factory-farmed meat?...
  • The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. This special episode of Horizon meets the scientists and doctors from all around the world looking for the cure and hears first-hand accounts of what it's actually like to catch - and survive - this terrible disease.
  • 屏風表演班從1986年成立至今走過三十多個年頭,為台灣留下許多經典劇作。演出類型涵蓋喜劇、悲劇、或融合傳統京劇、流行歌舞、魔術科幻等戲劇形式;關懷層面遍及人際關係、歷史探索、老兵議題、政治情勢、民生現況、家庭情感等社會議題。作為屏風表演班的靈魂人物,李國修老師將自身生命經驗融入創作之中。他審視當下環境,探索關於這塊土地的喜怒哀樂;他回望自己的人生,重新學會面對以及放下;他在劇中飾演父親,在劇本中揣摩母親。戲開始前,故事已然發生。李國修老師對於表演有一套學問,他曾說,想學表演,得先認識這八個字:「角色扮演」與「生活態度」。先把做人的道理搞清楚,就會搞懂角色在想什麼了。在每一齣戲裡,演員必須運用自己的生活與生命經驗,投入角色的創作;每演完一齣戲之後,演員又能從角色身上學習到不同的生命思維與處事智慧。
  • The Queen of Kalahari. A 52-minute fictional documentary that tells the incredible tale of a diamond - of its natural state in a mine in Botswana to the final piece of jewellery, revealed to the eyes of the world during an exceptional evening in Paris at the Théatre du Chatelet. The Queen of Kalahari is the story of a diamond with historic colour and dimensions... one of the di...
  • 探索变性的真正意义,通过那些亲身经历过的人,探索跨性别者所经历的生理以及心理变化。
  • Horizon looks at dark energy - the mysterious force that is unexpectedly causing the universe's expansion to speed up. The effects of dark energy were discovered in 1998 but physicists still don't know what it is. Worse, its very existence calls into question Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity - the cornerstone of modern physics. The hunt for the identity of dark en...
  • 【File1:疯子邻居】邻居的脱轨行为越来越夸张,难不成有不可告人的秘密...   【File2:全力挥棒】一个不找工作的年轻人上传自己的堕落生活视频,被母亲责骂后恼羞成怒,一气之下...   【File3:遗失物】年轻夫妇庆祝新居落成时,突然,一个没见过的手机铃声响起...   【File4:拷问看护】受看护照顾的爷爷看起来不太对劲,就在家人进行调查时,意外发现恐怖真相...   【File5:灵异验证(前篇)】前往知名灵异景点的两个年轻人,竟开始做出诡谲异常的荒唐举动...   【File6:外表80岁的12岁】剧组人员收到一支老人在说话的视频,只是画面中的?老人?,越看越不对劲...   【File7:意外的陷阱】女高中生在公园跌倒,脖子受了重伤。之后,剧组发现一支叫?狩猎?的奇怪视频...   【File8:生日宴会上的礼物】女初中生们开心庆祝生日,但其实,这是一场惨绝...
  • Alice Roberts explores the latest discoveries in the study of human origins, revealing the transformation that has been brought about in this field by genetics.   Traditional paleo-anthropology, based on fossils, is being transformed by advanced genome sequencing techniques. We now know that there were at least four other distinct species of human on the planet at the same time a...