• 二○六宿舍里住着几名即将毕业的男生。终日吃饭、聊天、打牌、玩手机,打发他们的青春时光,只为了混一张高中文凭。终于,高中毕业了,可是未来又在何方?去打工还是继续混个大专?   面对这样的学生,教师们很难表现出教学热情。成绩不可能好,待遇也不高,得过且过,坐等学校搬迁早日到来。只有侯老师认真地擦着报栏(布告栏),一如既往。侯老师不善与人交往,生活中大部分的时间是一个人坐着,不说话。   平遥县段村中学原址是一座明代古剎,清末在此设有义学,民国初年设高小(小学高年级),中华人民共和国成立后成立县办初中,八○年代成立县办高中。二○○一年高中扩招,在校学生达一千四百余名,为此校方在操场上新修一座教学楼。来到二○一一年夏天,全校一百五十余名学生和其它两所高中合并,迁入城中新校。操场上长出青草,教学楼中继续住着看门人老米和他的家人。   导演简介   郭恒奇,1979年出生于中国...
  • 這是一個關於一群拾荒者在北京的故事,他們試圖從被廢棄物包圍的城市中尋找自己的生活。距離鳥巢國家體育場三公里外,是與城市風景截然不同的樣貌:約三萬多來自河南的移民住在那裏,透過手機和賣廢品為生。而在2015年,「廢城」即將被拆除…   "It is a story about waste and recycling, not only recycling waste, but life, as well as the logic of the villages and cities.   3 km away from the Nestle, National Stadium, there is a place completely different from the urban scenery. About 30,000 migrants from Hena...
  • 在一座拜金主義的城市中,有一群人仍堅持活出「人活著不是單靠食物」的哲學,他們不是選擇隱居厭世,而是選擇透過藝術創作,積極入世、提昇心靈、影響別人。   數位水墨始創者黃琮瑜,他的創作手法不單打破普羅大眾認為國畫是老土陳舊玩意的概念,更讓觀眾從新的角度瞭解國畫。他將中西文化精髓揉合起來,作品三度入選香港藝術雙年展。   編舞家周佩韻,努力不懈創作不同的演出模式,打破舞蹈觀賞界限。她的編舞作品《界限.街道圖》,創造了一次互動經驗。這演出首次打破香港觀眾觀賞舞蹈的模式:觀眾不再是被動地欣賞演出,表演場地被改造成一個既規範又無限的環境。這種創新的互動觀賞經驗,連政府文化部門的官員也感驚訝,更創出本地舞蹈節目百分之百入座率的紀錄。她將觀眾消失了的熱情重生,亦使我們的年代重生。   Digital Artist Wong Chung Yu created digital i...
  • In this unique documentary Pope Francis opens the Vatican’s doors to the world, and guides us, with his voice over, discovering his personal and passionate concept of Art: instrument of evangelization and opposition to the culture of transitory. In this extraordinary journey, the audience will have the privilege to admire the eternal beauty of the Vatican Museums, Saint Peter’s...
  • Volcanoes have long helped shape the Earth. But what is less well known is that there are volcanoes on other planets and moons that are even more extraordinary than those on our own home planet.   Horizon follows an international team of volcanologists in Iceland as they draw fascinating parallels between the volcanoes on Earth and those elsewhere in the solar system. Through the...
  • Behind the scenes discussion of animation techniques and the making of Pinocchio.
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  • Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists - the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider's web.   It is part of a new field of research, synthetic biology, with a radical aim: to break down nature into spare parts so that we can rebuild it however we please.   This technology is already being used to m...
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